Soul Lover - Poetry by Cherie

Posted by Jahrun Chilam Balam

You embody the crevices of my mind
In the dreamy memories of the soul I want to find
Dwell within the tender part of my heart
Create in me the things I strive to impart

When the door slams shut and it seems the world is cold and dark
I just turn around and discover a world that is far from stark
Treading lightly on fragile ice that covers the waters of death
Inhaling the scent of you with every breath

Your presence surrounds me giving me chills
The sensations I feel are stronger than drink or any pills
My soul lover embrace my spirit and dance with me
Climb up the walls of my heart and set me free

Forsaking the vows I made the day I left my soul behind
Never expecting to discover the wholeness I could find
You sweep me out of the shadows embracing the light
The powerful connection I feel I cannot fight

Stir within my soul the life I think I have lost
Touch me please, I need to know it is all worth the cost
Waiting for a sign that an eternal love could start
Wanting you to see that I will never betray your heart

~ Cherie Lee, 2003


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