Peak Oil and Eating Fossil Fuels

Posted by Jahrun Chilam Balam

Jahrun Chilam Balam 2012.02.04

Well, here it is folks, the long anticipated arrival of 2012, and lots is happening around the world: phenomenal reflections external to us, yet inevitably coming from manifestations and processes that are internal to us as individuals. A synergistic collective of I's having vastly different degrees of empathy, ego, and ultimtely, chosen actions or inactions.

Way back at the end of 2003, I discovered an article titled "Eating Fossil Fuels" by Dale Allen Pfeiffer on - a website then operated actively by Michael Ruppert. Shortly afterward, Ruppert was set-up by his then girlfriend, his office was ransacked, his equipment was destroyed, and so was his health. Ruppert left the country to find primitive amnesty and left his website pretty much as it was then. He has since returned to the U.S. and has produced "Collapse", what some might call a docu-drama invterview movie, featuring Michael Ruppert. You might be able to watch it here: 

Clearly, this article that I share with you here had a profound effect on Ruppert, as well as the power elite organizations who were becoming upset because they want the public to remain asleep to the grave truths concerning the intimate relationship of population-food-water-oil and the shortages that are suddenly here. Worse yet, the media has stimulated arguments, staged on both sides of the issues, in order to keep people bickering, as if over a pro wrestling match. Whatever works to get people's attention to continue imprisoning them. Hopefully this information can help to free you a little more.

I have read Dale Pfeiffer's Eating Fossil Fuels article several times over the years since, and I read it again most recently last week and spent this last week reading and reviewing charts, presentations and lecture content. I finally got my whole awareness around it. I always understood the implications from a pragmatic perspective. I got my head around it from the start, and in many ways has been used as a key factor in my desicions to restructure my life and find safe haven to preserve my genes and memes. But only now, a real permeating fractal has beamed into me, the Big Picture tying all of the other world events, truth movements, wars, militarization, growing police state, FEMA Camps fracking (hydraulic coal-seam gas fracturing), Alberta tar sands, offshore drilling, financial scams, GMO's, land grabs, media and Internet control, chemtrails, vaccines, fluoride, and countless eugenics programs, HAARP, expansion of microwave networks, mind and emotion control, well and of course the media and their TV, TV and more TV. Ever travel to 3rd world countries where people have practically nothing except cell phones and TVs mounted at the top of every wall, where they stand mouth agape.

In an upcoming video on my Inside Jah Vimeo channel (and YouTube), and particularly for those aspiring to the expansion of consciousness, I plan to discuss an excitingly positive overlay to all the frightening lines on all those charts, like Net Hubbard Curve, Oil Well Depletion, Population Growth, Oil Demand Growth, Water Depletion, Grain Deficits, Food Costs, and Time. We're in a lot of trouble folks. Experts are saying things like "The party's over." and "We're toast." Not sure of the title for my video yet, since my original idea has greatly expanded and infiltrated the density of the matrix since while living in my PJs this last week, researching and contemplating. So please subscribe and you'll receive the notice when I post it. In the meanwhile, please take some time to review the article and some of the recommended resources below.

One might really stop to wonder why major grassroots pundits, like Alex Jones, for instance, are not shouting about this? Thank goodness for Vandana Shiva, Chris Martenson, Lester Brown, Nicole Foss, Lidsey Williams, James Howard Kunstler, Bill McKibben and a host of others who are speaking clearly and intelligibly on these critical central issues. 

Recommended Resources:
  1. Eating Fossil Fuels (A5 pdf format for e-readers)
  2. Original artical posted on
  3. YouTube playlist featuring fantastic presentations
  4. Vandana Shiva website
  5. The Oil Drum website
  6. Mountain Top Removal Coal Mining (
  7. Fracking (natural gas & hydraulic coal seam fracturing)

Okay, that should be enough to get you started.

Thanks for reading.


~ Jahrun

20110809 - Jahrun Introduction (VLOG)

Posted by Jahrun Chilam Balam

By Jahrun Chilam Balam 2011.08.09

"It's not time that is speeding up but rather - Creation is speeding up. More is happening in less time!" - Ian Xel Lungold

Jahrun provides an overview of topics for future discussion and exploration, including:
1) Mayan Calendar, Time, Creation and Consciousness.
2) The Matrix of Control, Oppression and Eugenics.
3) Being the Change: Consumerism and the Collective Power of Individuals.
4) Holistic Natural Health: Food, water, energy patterns.
 5.a) Plastics – bisphenols, pcbs, xenoestrogens.
 5.b) Water - public supply, bottled, food products.
 5.c) Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and pesticides.
 5.d) Chemtrails.
 5.e) Electromagnetic felds / electromagnetic radiation (EMF/EMR).
 5.f) Laundry detergent chemicals and dryer sheets.
 5.g) Soaps, shampoos, lotions and personal care products.
6) Hybrid Car Dangers: Prius, electromagnetic field radiation and multiple myeloma, leukemia, lymphoma.
7) Multiple myeloma: chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, Burzynski antineoplaston treatment.
8) Company buyouts of formerly organic and "trusted" products.
9) MSG and Aspartame.
10) Connecting with Nature.
11) Children's Rights and Viable Genetic Heritage.
12) Cell phone dangers.
13) Shifting from sensory overload to the enjoyment of a natural environment.
14) Children have no voice for the protection of their health.
15) Empowerment of children to continue growing in their divine form.
16) Vibrational attunement.
17) Breathing chemtrails.
18) Our history of observing the skies and seeing what is right before our very own eyes.
19) Elimination of the "Useless Eaters".
20) Importance of individual health and planetary health.
21) Economic collapse - trading with gold and silver.
22) Consumer-supported regime control matrix.
23) Growing your own organic food.
24) Greenhouses and abundance of fruit and berries in Sweden.
25) Planting fruit and nut trees and preparing for winter.
26) Cost of electricity & Appalachian mountain top removal mining.
27) Sensory overload - overpowering tastes and smells, bright colors, loud music and fear of the dark.
28) Impact of individual and collective consumer choices.

namaste ~ en lak'ech

~ Jahrun Chilam-Balam

Hydrostatic Attraction, Atlantic Conveyor & BP False Flag Oil Spill

Posted by Jahrun Chilam Balam

Article by Jahrun Chilam Balam 2010.10.10
Let's first listen to a profound 9-minute program from David Wolfe to learn more about the "nature and divine magic of water".

Wolfe's discussion is so very important. All of Wolfe's content is important, but it is particularly important right now for the public to develop an understanding of water, and particularly to understand this magic of capillary action and how that magic works because of the attractive energies normally and naturally present on the surface of each water molecule.

Each water molecule has a set of forces acting that make it highly attractive! These water forces are commonly called "hydrostatic forces" (hydro=water & static=attraction). These forces allow water to stick to water in just the right amount at any temperature and to allow for dissolving or connecting-to salts or solutes. Soap works because it has molecules that allow water and oil to both connect to it.

These energies are commonly known as HYDROSTATIC FORCES which is readily observed as SURFACE TENSION. Fill your water glass ever so slightly above the rim of the glass, and notice a meniscus form. The water rises up above the glass as if a giant bead, yet it does not spill over the edge. Or touch the tip of your finger to a droplet of water only to watch the bead break its form to transfer to your finger as if some kind of caterpillar.

With this in mind, now let me shift your focus to what has and is happening in the Gulf of Mexico where millions of gallons of the toxic "anti-dispersant compound" is being dumped to act in a way like soap and solvent to the spilled oil that has become painfully evident is not even there.

In other words the BP oil spill was a "false flag" event to distract and enrage the public to believe that the largest oil spill in history was hopelessly unstoppable for months, killing wildlife and polluting shoreline habitats well into future centuries. But the oil wasn't really there, one of the reasons militia and police were enforced to keep everyone away from seeing and reporting and helping.

But the real reason that the oil spill ruse was fabricated, was so that it would seem necessary for Haliburton to dump the anti-dispersant into the sea. Alas... the millions of gallons of anti-dispersant chemical are now in the ocean current arteries of the Gulf, South and North Atlantic, and Arctic, and a little goes a long way in the effect that it has.

What is the effect? The anti-dispersant "kills" this magical property of water that gives it its own natural glue-like action or surface tension. In other words, the water cannot stick to water, and so the movement of the water stops at the molecular level up to the Atlantic Conveyor Current level.

The chemical compound has been branded as "Corexit 9500" (read as corrects it ninety-five-hundred). The people making these decisions to bring-on devastation to this planet are utterly sick and their actions are blatantly waived right in front of the public as a joke on them that: they either cannot comprehend, or rise to care, or organize against it. Please sit and meditate with this a moment.

After a few years of being a gypsy, I have finally landed in north-central Tennessee where I've acquired a 101 acre forest paradise with several hollows, many waterfalls and at least two significant year-round springs! Viewers... find the springs and drink the water from there, go to and if you cannot locate a spring near you, start asking the elders before they are gone.

My advice is to find spring water source near you and get your foods stored in sealed 5-gal buckets and seeds now and begin connecting with as many in your local community as you can who seem even remotely awake. Often these are the richest people with real living skills. Just in case... get a day-pack ready for each member of your family that includes a Katadyn Pocket Microfilter.
~ namaste ~

Related links:
Google Search: BP corexit ocean current
Google Search: BP corexit "play on words"

Allergy Rescue Soup

Posted by Jahrun Chilam Balam

Like many others, I have been stuffy & itchy-eyed here, and quite especially today. I think perhaps it is from the last of the autumn pollen anticipating this feeling of a rain that is probably not coming. It hurts my back and lower abs to cough - ugh.

But, I made simple and tasty broth/soup last night and today that both eases the hayfever symptoms greatly as well as brings a cozy self-centering comfort.

Ingredients and directions are as follows:
* 3 cups water near boil then turn off then add:
* 1/2 cup dried seaweed like wakame or arame
* 4 large cloves fresh crushed garlic
* 2 teaspoons fresh crushed/squeezed ginger + juices
* 1 tablespoon good organic soy sauce (tamari or nama shoyu)
* Few dashes of cayenne pepper (1/2 teaspoon if low heat pepper like 30,000)
* 2 teaspoons olive oil

Serve in a rustic, wheel-thrown ceramic mug that fits cozily in your hands.

With the massive amount of chemtrail spraying lately, it is good to consume lots of cayenne or other hot peppers to keep mucosa production going as your first line of defense...

~ namaste ~

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