Friday, April 16, 2010

Terence Mckenna on Preparing for Singularity

Article written by Jahrun Chilam Balam 2010.04.16

Plants and fungi contain unique signatures that affect and influence our bioelectrochemical organism. Some species contain keys to opening doors of higher dimensional perception, realms exceeding those 3 or 4 that we are conditioned to limitedly perceive.

Most people are not even truly conscious of 3-dimensional space, wherein which we can experience creative opportunity, in other words, the forth dimension. The realm of infinite creative potential is also greatly misconstrued by nearly everyone through years of early dogmatic training as being nothing more than "linear time". Do you remember this hypnopedic brainwashing?
"Thirty days has September, April, June and November... all the rest have thirty-one except for February which has twenty-eight and sometimes twenty-nine."
Do you remember sitting in elementary school and feeling that this was just wrong? I know I did. Do you remember staring at the world map hanging up front on the blackboard and thinking to yourself that it looked like the continent pieces should fit together? I know I did. Were you taught that the whole Earth is an organism? I know I wasn't. It was not even in dimensional perception of our "teachers" to think this way, let alone show us how to use our chi, or to heal or to grow.

So... do you even know what the names of the Gregorian (i.e. the patriarchal post Roman Empire Catholic Church) months mean? Do you know what the names of the seven days in your week signify? Why are there 24 hours in a day? 60 minutes in an hour? 60 seconds in a minute? 60 alternating electric cycles per second in your household electricity?

If you accept and live this model of time, you will not have access to forth dimensional perception, and you will remain asleep, you will continue to be controlled by a mechanistic and false 12:60 frequency harmonic ratio that is designed to keep you out of celestial harmony, and you are as far from nature as your masters intend, even if you're juicing twice a day. Did you ever try to remember a song when another song is blaring on the radio? Being out of celestial harmony puts you out of touch with your shaman. To feel natural time, you must unplug and get away from the noise, lose track of the Gregorian day of the week and the Gregorian month of the year. Do women naturally menstruate every 30 or 31 days? Do you know that the moon orbits the Earth in just over 28 days and so it orbits the earth 13 times in one solar year? Did it ever occur to you that the word "month" is really meant to be "moonth"?

According to the ancient Maya, the primary frequency harmonic to feel in order to "be in the now" and expand your dimensional perception is 13:20. Your sense-numbing Gregorian conditioning to 12:60 keeps you a slave who is sick and compliant. To reach full experience of the fourth dimension, you must let go of your current concept of patriarchally mechanized time.

"Man is like a clock with a face showing twelve o'clock, but which strikes the time of six. A mechanical clock cannot see its contradiction, and neither can man see his self-division while living from mechanical thought. A clock cannot heal its self-contradiction, but man can do so by conscious thought."
- Vernon Howard
Most people will have a very difficult ride on the way to this Singularity.

Psychoactive plants mentioned in this film:
  1. Salvia divinorum
  2. Coleus blumei
  3. Psychotria viridis
"I use my mind as analchemical vessel for carrying out observations on the union of spirit - my spirit, my personality and matter, the physical matter of the substance I am ingesting. Nothing in human experience is as much like The Singularity as a psychedelic experience. In a way it's a microcosmic anticipation of this macrocosmic event in history. When we take psychedelics, we undergo a mini apocolypse, a mini revelation, and it positions us then for these larger events in the historical timespan."
The Internet is only a set of training wheels. There are natural inter-nets, natural neural network systems that already provide the dimensional fabric for knowing, listening and speaking. Personally, I do not agree with the narrator's opening statement about preparing for a future life uploaded in computers. Mckenna never alludes to this trajectory. Though I, myself, have done a lot of work intentionally in this direction (with the Immortal Host project and even this BLOG as examples). I can let this go. It is only what I have to offer to you the reader to assist you in knowing other possibilities. Within the next three years, I plan on creating a more feral and shamanic "lifestyle", unplugging from computers and the Internet.

~ Sat nam.

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