Entry Salvaged from defunct Zaadz/Gaia BLOG
Two nights ago I attended the Take a Stand Day at a local church here in Reading, PA, an event coordinated through MoveOn.org. I wanted to get a sampling of peace and protest perspective here in my area.
Guest speaker after guest speaker voiced their melodramas over federal budget, paling VA benefits, lost sons, wrongness of the war. A mother and daughter spoke to promote the food bank at the church, their face and jowls fusing almost without a neck into their shoulders, each respectively 100 to 150 pounds overweight.
Sitting in the front pew, immersed in a growing singe of topical and inhalant irritation from perfumes and colognes, I turned around the room to see the unhealthiness of everyone. Feeling light-headed and a growing burning sensation on my skin, I rose-up to leave the event.
Last night I received a follow-up email soliciting my survey of the event and felt so compelled to voice in contrast to my witness of public perspective, a radically different perspective in my reply.
The current geo-political militarization, looming police state, declining economical and biospheric conditions directly reflect a sickness of the pervading necro-consumer greed of INDIVIDUAL people.
Individuals are poisoning themselves, their children, and the Earth. They support a monoculturism of fast food, housing, animals and plants. They continue fueling their cars, thereby voting with each dollar to fuel and support the engine whose destruction they say they want to stop.
To pull the plug on war, the people must radically change their lifestyle in order to get underneath the problem. Shouting at and protesting the undesirable manifestations surfacing from the core problem will not make the problem go away.
Individuals must increasingly turn-off their TVs, grow their own food, stop poisoning themselves with the chem-pharma "pay to get sick and then pay for drugs" scam. Stop buying bottled water and do not drink from the public water supply. Stop applying topical agents to their skin, stop buying "fragranced" laundry, personal care products and all manner of air toxifiers. They must start buying organic produce grown locally. Stop eating meat, fish and poultry! Start practicing yoga and meditation. They must start exercising and riding bike or walking everywhere possible up to 15 mile radius. They must learn to know the natural aspects of where they live and feel the need to restore nature there. They must educate themselves more highly to know the "truth" and take right action, then be at peace.
~ Sat nam.
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